Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees 2023-2024


Vincent Rienzi President/Chair, Executive Committee & Nominating Committee
Danielle DeRosa Vice President/Chair, Academic Excellence Committee
Thomas Fekete Vice President/Treasurer/Chair, Budget & Finance Committee
Burt Henry Vice President/Secretary
Bill Presutti Vice President
John Shalhoub Vice President/Chair, Long-range Planning Committee
Bill Nahmias Chair, Marketing and Fundraising Committee
Suzanne Trupia Chair, Parent Liaison Committee
Brian Bauman
Stephanie Gironda
Jennie Rossini
Terry Shapiro
Mark Stoller 
Alana Zahn-Davis


The Board of Trustees is the governing body responsible for the management of all Banyan School’s activities, including the determination of appropriate policy and the supporting programs and activities. The Board of Trustees is currently comprised of thirteen (13) Members, including current and former parents, as well as individuals who have expressed a willingness to assist in the management of Banyan School for the benefit of children and young adults who learn differently. The Members shall have full power, by majority vote, to adopt rules and regulations governing the action of the Board.


Academic Excellence Committee

The Academic Excellence Committee shall be responsible for such activities as: promoting student achievement by fostering educational excellence in each of the critical academic areas; supporting the development of student programs to enable each student to reach his/her highest potential both academically and socially; and fostering teacher and staff professional development that will ensure the quality of the academic program at Banyan School.

Budget & Finance Committee

The Budget & Finance Committee shall be responsible for such activities as: providing primary oversight of school finances and the school’s annual budget; setting the framework and overall assumptions to be used by the Director and/or Principal(s) to set the annual budget for the Banyan School; recommending the annual budget for approval by the Board; monitoring quarterly results and proposing updated forecasts for approval by the Board; recommending tuition adjustments based on competitive analyses and budget requirements; recommending overall compensation levels for the faculty and staff based on recommendations from the Director and/or Principal(s) and within the constraints of the annual budget; managing the insurance program; negotiating credit lines and leases; and other activities as the Board may delegate.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee, is comprised of the elected Officers of the Board, shall be responsible for such activities as: providing primary oversight of school operations for the Banyan School; setting the time, place, method and agenda for all Board meetings; setting the total size of all Committees and determining the method by which the
Committee members shall be determined. The Executive Committee shall set policy regarding the compensation and fringe benefit programs for the faculty and staff of Banyan School and all other employees; set policy regarding the performance evaluation and employment practices used by the Director and/or Principal(s) for the faculty and staff; review the goals, performance and compensation for the Director and/or Principal(s); and other activities as the Board may delegate from time to time.

Long-range Planning Committee

The Long-range Planning Committee shall be responsible for such activities as: establishing and maintaining a formalized vision statement for the Banyan School that can be used for establishing long-term funding programs, long-term facility plans, and other marketing and communication programs, as the Board may undertake from time to time; proposing or reviewing changes to the Bylaws and operating policies and procedures for the Board of Trustees; and other activities as the Board may delegate.
Marketing and Fundraising Committee The Marketing and Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for such activities as: setting the policy framework for all marketing, fundraising and grant-seeking activities; reviewing any marketing and fundraising activities to be undertaken on behalf of the Banyan School or the Board that would seek funds beyond the faculty, staff of Banyan School or families of Banyan students; recommending the use and selection of any professional marketers and/or fundraisers; providing primary oversight of the use of any grants received; recommending techniques to motivate the involvement of parents of Banyan students in marketing and fundraising activities; and other activities as the Board may delegate.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for such activities as: evaluating and proposing candidates to be considered for election as new Trustees; evaluating Trustees as potential Officers and proposing candidates to be considered for election as new Officers; developing and proposing criteria to be used in the evaluation of candidates as Trustees and Officers; and other activities as the Board may delegate.

Parent Liaison Committee

The Parent Liaison Committee shall be responsible for such activities as: providing a conduit for parents of Banyan students to express input, trends, concerns and questions to the Board of Trustees; organizing at least one meeting a year to which all parents of Banyan students shall be invited to attend; and other activities as the Board may delegate.


Anyone interested in supporting the mission of Banyan School is invited to express their interest in joining the Board of Trustees by emailing the President at

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Our HIB Specialists are: 

Nancy DiSalvo for the Elementary School

Angela Randion, LCSW for the High School & LIFE Academy

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